Modelling 3.5 GHz trans horizon propagation
A multi-year measurement campaign to measure the trans horizon propagation at 3.5 GHz
The 3.5 GHz band is used by the Dutch Defense for eavesdropping of satellite communication. On the other hand the 3.5 GHz band is European wide assigned for mobile communication. Usage of this band was heavily restricted in the Netherlands to protect the Defense application based on ITU interference propagation prediction models. Purpose of this measurement campaign was to validate and improve these ITU models.
Role BlueMark
In this project BlueMark created and headed a scientific sounding board. Also it has written a scientific publication describing the project results in a peer reviewed journal.
The result of this project was a peer-reviewed publication in the journal IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation.
Multiyear trans horizon radio propagation measurements at 3.5 GHz: System design and measurement results over land and wetland paths in the Netherlands
Loek Colussi, Roel Schiphorst, Herman Teinsma, Ben A. Witvliet, Sjoerd Fleurke, Mark J. Bentum, Erik van Maanen, Johan Griffioen