DroneBeacon product notification

June 13, 2024 admin News

DroneBeacon product notification

Recently, we have conducted external audits for DroneBeacon direct/broadcast RemoteID add-on products (db120, db121, db121pcb and db122fpv) regarding compliance to the RemoteID regulation in the USA and the EU. See also External audit of DroneBeacon RemoteID add-ons, why it matters

We successfully completed these audits, but a firmware update is required to be fully compliant with these regulations. We advise all end-users to upgrade to the latest firmware. It solves these issues:

  1. In the Remote ID signal we included the take-off time, but it needs to be the current time. In technical terms, this is the timestamp of the System message.
  2. Improvements on tamper resistance. The FAA has made additions to the technical standard  F3586-22 MoC (Means of Compliance) about tamper resistance. Note, after this firmware update, end-user can still switch the broadcast method (WLAN/Bluetooth).

The results of this audit has been submitted to the FAA and the RemoteID regulation prescribe that there will be a public product support and notification procedure to notify the public and end-users about non-compliance issues.

We advise all end-users to upgrade to the latest firmware.

How can you update the firmware?

  1. See section 2.5 of the user manual
  2. YouTube video about firmware upgrade of DroneBeacon devices


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